Four Treasures Episode 216- Dragonheart Core by Adam Atenburgh

Episode 216- Dragonheart Core by Adam Atenburgh

To take a dragon’s hoard is to challenge death.The greatest of the sea-drakes wakes, curled on his silver throne; but there is no silver. His hoard is stolen. He rises, screaming, and chases the thief to the ends of the world—only to be shot from the sky.But dragons do not die easy, and never one …

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Four Treasures Episode 215- Interview with Adam Atenburgh

Episode 215- Interview with Adam Atenburgh

In this episode, author Adam Atenburgh talks with us about Progression Fantasy, his process through the publishing world (and audiobooks), his “Snake” series, and his current work of fiction- Dragonheart Core. Adam Atenburgh Websites:⁠⁠ Misc. Websites: